The Institute for Policy Studies

For more than five decades, IPS scholar-activists have provided critical support for major social movements by producing seminal books, films, and articles; educating key policymakers and the general public; and crafting practical strategies in support of peace, justice, and the environment. IPS has been a critical driver for: 1. Peace and Just Foreign Policy, 2. Economic and Racial Justice, and 3. Climate Justice. learn more : donate to IPS


United for a Fair Economy

United for a Fair Economy challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide and tears communities apart. UFE uses popular economics education, trainings, and creative communications to support social movements working for a resilient, sustainable and equitable economy. learn more : donate to UFE


Garment Workers Center

Garment Worker Center is a worker rights organization, leading an anti-sweatshop movement to improve conditions for tens of thousands of Los Angeles garment workers. Through direct organizing, GWC develops leaders who demand enforcement of strong labor laws and accountability from factory owners, manufacturers, and fashion brands. GWC centers immigrant workers, women of color, and their families who are impacted by exploitation in the fashion industry. learn more : donate to GWC


National Day Labor's Organizing Network

National Day Labor's Organizing Network improves the lives of day laborers, migrants and low-wage workers. NDLON builds leadership and power among those facing injustice so they can challenge inequality and expand labor, civil and political rights for all. NDLON aspires to live in a world of diverse communities where day laborers live with full rights and responsibilities in an environment of mutual respect, peace, harmony and justice. learn more : donate to NDLON


Fight For $15

The Fight for $15 began in 2012 when two hundred fast-food workers walked off the job to demand $15/hr and union rights in New York City. Today, it is a global movement in over 300 cities on six continents. Fight for $15 is comprised of fast-food workers, home health aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, retail employees – and underpaid workers everywhere fighting for $15 hr and a union. learn more : support